السنة الاولى, العدد (0), أب 2022
السنة الاولى, العدد (0), أب 2022


اكرم ياملكي ياملكي
The lacuna in the Rules Governing the Transport of Persons and Things (A Comparative Study)
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.56599/yaqeenjournal.v1i1.14
أ.د.صلاح جبير البصيصي البصيصي
protection water As a part of The Natural Environment
PDF (العربية)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56599/yaqeenjournal.v1i1.12
أ.د.علي شاكر عبد القادر البدري
Judicial Ruling as the Source of New Obligation. “ Study in the light of Dr. Samir Tanagho’s Theory”.
PDF (العربية)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56599/yaqeenjournal.v1i1.7
دكتور مجيد خضر سبعاوي
The Nature of Criminal Behavior and its Provisions
PDF (العربية)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56599/yaqeenjournal.v1i1.16
عمار سعدون المشهداني, الباحث حسن عبد محسن العامري
Limited Litigation Eligibility for Minor Litigant (Comparative Study)
PDF (العربية)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56599/yaqeenjournal.v1i1.13
ا.م.د.سردار عماد الدین محمد سعيد
Jurisdiction of the Iraqi supreme federal court of interpreting legal texts “analytical study in the light of the decision of the Iraqi supreme federal court number 48/federal/2021“
PDF (العربية)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56599/yaqeenjournal.v1i1.10
احمد خلف حسين الدخيل
Criminal Justice and Its Role in the Enforcement of Financial Laws
PDF (العربية)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56599/yaqeenjournal.v1i1.6