Analyzing sports law through legal perspectives
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Sports law
official sources of sports law
sports jurisprudence
sports judiciary
sports codification


How to Cite

خوشناو I. O. (2024). Analyzing sports law through legal perspectives: Descriptive and analytical study. Yaqeen Journal for Legal Studies, 2(1), 37.


Law as one of the human sciences regulates human behavior in various aspects, and due to the complexity of life matters in this era, different branches of the science of law were born. Each of them specializes in specific subject such as commercial law, aviation law, maritime law Since sports activity has become inevitable in society and even in the world, the law intervened in this matter in order to regulate it, in the consequence new branch of law is born called sports law. The law, as it is known, born from a variety of sources, which means there is no law without the presence of the source. The sports derived from different sources; determining these sources is not difficult due to its special nature, and in particular it means the organization of sports activity of a different nature and also because of its global nature.

         Therefore, this research deals with the meaning of sports law by answering multiple questions about it, including: Is there really something in the name of sports law? If any, how was it born? Does sports law have distinct characteristics? Does sports law have certain sources? Is it possible to sort out its sources? In addition to some others questions.


Sports law, global, official sources of sports law, sports jurisprudence, sports judiciary, sports codification.
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Yaqeen Journal for legal studies


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