Real estate holds significant importance in the lives of individuals and communities، as it forms one of the fundamental pillars of the national economy and serves as a means to ensure stability and social peace. Therefore، this research aims to clarify the concept of property registration under Syrian law by highlighting the system of land registration and its characteristics، which are essential for legally documenting rights and properties to ensure individual protection. The research also addresses the necessary registration rights، emphasizing the importance of registering property rights to guarantee their legal protection against encroachment or disputes. Additionally، the study explores the impact of property registration under Syrian law on the transfer of ownership، illustrating how registration facilitates and enhances the effectiveness of ownership transfers.
Furthermore، the research examines the impact of registration on real rights، reinforcing the protection and proof of these rights. Through this، it becomes clear that property registration is not merely a legal procedure but a vital tool that contributes to enhancing trust in real estate transactions and providing a favorable legal environment for investment
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ثالثاً/ المراجع الإلكترونية
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Yaqeen Journal for legal studies