Civil liability for damages caused by loose dogs
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Dog guard
Stray dogs
Civil liability
Stray dog feeder


How to Cite

Bisho م. ع. . (2024). Civil liability for damages caused by loose dogs: Analytical study. Yaqeen Journal for Legal Studies, 2(1), 27.



       The damage resulting from the phenomenon of stray dogs in Iraq raises questions about civil liability for these damages, especially in light of the shortcomings in the legal rules regulating liability for animal actions in Iraqi civil law. In this research, we concluded that there is no responsibility on the stray dog ​​feeder, nor on the owner or owner of stray dogs who abandoned his dogs in Iraqi civil law. Rather, the person who bears the responsibility is the person in whose possession or control these animals are, which requires that The animal is owned so that the injured party can seek compensation for damages caused by stray dogs. At the end of the research, a set of recommendations were presented to the Iraqi legislator and concerned authorities with the aim of eliminating the phenomenon of stray dogs, and holding the relevant authorities in the country responsible for their damages when those parties negligently, in addition to recommending the addition of new texts to establish civil liability for damage to stray animals, including dogs, and the abolition of articles The old law relating to civil liability for the actions of animals in the Iraqi civil law.

Keywords: civil liability, loose dog feeder, dog guard, compensation, loose dogs.
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Yaqeen Journal for legal studies


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